Let’s just get this out of the way – these are NOT for calorie counting days. At over 300 calories a pop, these delicious morsels are the embodiment of a ‘sometimes treat’.
With that being said, there are three different types of chocolate in here, and one of them is Toblerone. They’re rich, dense, and sweet – a small square is really all you need. On the other hand, there are three different types of chocolate in here, and one of them is Toblerone. They’re amazing. And they have the perfect crumb: they’re not especially fudgey, nor are they merely a chocolate cake with a superiority complex. They’re the perfect brownie, and my go-to recipe whenever the occasion calls for something sweet.
I adapted this recipe from the Taste.com, and after much experimenting, settled on this incarnation. The original recipe has a butterscotch-esque icing, but I found that with such a rich brownie, while the icing was delicious, it was seriously overkill. Conversely, without the icing, using all dark chocolate made them too intense (and I say that as a girl who loves her chocolate dark and bitter). But by using an even mix of dark and milk chocolate, we’re left with a well balanced slab of heaven. Words of advice:
a) splurge on good quality chocolate, you truly can taste the difference.
b) Freeze the Toblerone – it makes it SO MUCH EASIER to work with
250g butter, chopped
100g dark chocolate, broken into largeish pieces
100g milk chocolate, broken into largeish pieces
3/4 cup caster sugar
3 eggs
1 1/4 cups plain flour
2 tablespoons self-raising flour
200g Toblerone chocolate, frozen
- Preheat oven to 180C. Line base and sides of an 18cm x 28cm slice pan with baking paper, extending paper 2cm above edges of pan. Spray with oil, or grease using butter (I always do the former).
- Place butter, dark chocolate, milk chocolate and sugar in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally until melted and smooth. Remove from heat and rest for 10 minutes to cool slightly.
- Crack eggs, 1 at a time, into chocolate, whisking until combined. Sift in both flours, and fold to combine.
- Pour mixture into prepared pan. Tumble in the Toblerone pieces and very slightly press into the mixture.
- Bake for 25 to 30 minutes . Cool for 1 hour before lifting from pan (lest it fall apart).